corporate video production
Video production for Company Profile, Induction, Training, Products & Services Video.
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live video for live events
Live Multi-Camera Mixing for Shows, Conferences, Seminars, Award Nights & Broadcast.
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theatre, dance & arts video
DVD Production for Dance, Fashion,Theatrical & other stage productions.
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music video production
Music Video Production for "Singles" and Video Support for Live Shows
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ten80i – a professional video production company, Auckland, New Zealand.
Professional corporate video production is primarily what ten80i Limited produces, such as a company profile video, products & services video, staff induction video and training video, suitable for DVD production and Company Website Video Production. ten80i also paves the way for high definition live video solutions for live events, such as conference, seminars and awards nights by using live video switching (live video editing), this solution offers the perfect way to showcase live events on video as the event unfolds. This live video feed can also be streamed live over the internet. ten80i – the professional 1080i HD video production company.ten80i – professional high definition video production & digital film production solutions.
recent videos
Dumpmaster bin-tippers from Simpro Handling Equipment are possibly the safest, most efficient, and easy-to-use range of bin-tippersview video
Quikstak “smart-stackers” from Simpro Handling Equipment are the only stackers with a built-in height sensing system thatview video
latest dvd
news at a glance
ten80i has been commissioned by OnGas to produce a series of eLearning videos about their Bottle Swap. OnGas is
Brad Churcher ready to live switch the Te Manukuratuatahi Kapahaka Nationals 2013 at the ASB Stadium, Mt Maunganui held
Following last years Newmarket Young Fashion Designer Award 2012, ten80i has been commissioned again for this years show. The event